Oral Surgery Practice for Sale Outside of Albany, New York

Practice Details:

Status: For Sale
Specialty: Oral Surgery
Number of ops/hygiene: 3
Is equipment and office digital and/or computerized/Paperless: No; Yes
Insurance: 90%
FFS: 10%
State: New York
Office hours/Days: Monday-Friday
Annual Collections: $765K
Average Overhead: 30%

This is a reputable OMS practice for sale outside of Albany. The practice is an FFS/PPO mix with a small Medicaid component of roughly 5%. Clinically, the practice is 80% oral surgery, 10% implants and 10% TMJ. The practice is computerized, but not fully digital. Despite little marketing efforts, the practice production is just over $1M, collections average $765K and the overhead is 30%. This 1,700-square-foot office is located in a free-standing building with three operatories. The seller works four hours a day and sees an average of 8-12 patients. Staff in the practice includes two dental assistants, one front desk and one office manager.

The office is conveniently located near a major highway and public transportation. The seller is looking to retire but willing to work back for a short period to help transition. This is a great opportunity for someone looking to grow an established practice with little competition. Contact us today for more information.

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Buyers Checklist

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